Saturday, 31 December 2011

Berean Adult Bible Class (1/8/12)

Bad News/Good News
Romans 3:1-31
Daily Bible Reading
Monday – Romans 3:1-31
Tuesday – Romans 1
Wednesday – Romans 2
Thursday – Romans 3
Friday – Romans 4
Saturday – Romans 5

I)                   Objections (Romans 3:1-8)
a.       In what ways is it an advantage to know God’s revelation of Himself, His promises, His deeds, and His guidance for living? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b.      What implications does this have for Christians, who have even more of God’s Words than the Jews had? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Luke 12:47-48)
c.       What advantages an responsibilities do Christians have in comparison to non-Christians? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
d.      Does God remain faithful even when we fail? __________________ (Romans 3:4-8)(Psalm 51:4)(II Samuel 7:15-16)

II)                Conclusion (Romans 3:9-20)
a.       Jews have at least one advantage over Gentiles: they have been entrusted with God’s Words. However, why are Jews and Gentiles essentially equal? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Romans 3:9)
b.      Paul uses the word the phrase, “the law” in chapter 3. Is he talking about the first five books of the Bible only or the whole of the Old Testament? Explain ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Romans 3:10-18)
c.       What are some purposes of God’s Law? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Romans 3:19-20)

III)             Justified Through Christ (Romans 3:21-26)
a.       Genesis 15:6 and Psalm 32:1-2 testify to this truth
                                                              i.      For what purpose was man made? __________________________________(Romans 3:23)
                                                            ii.      How is man justified according to Romans 3:24? ________________________________
                                                          iii.      What does it mean to be redeemed? ________________________________________________________________________(Romans 3:24)
                                                          iv.      Where is this redemption found? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Romans 3:25)(Hebrews 9:5)
                                                            v.      How is this redemption paid for? _____________________________________(Romans 3:25)
1.      Justification is a concept from the law courts
2.      Redemption is from the slave market
3.      Atonement is from the temple
b.      In your own words, explain how Jesus has enabled us to become righteous if we put our faith in Him. (Romans 3:24-25) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                              i.      Why is the phrase “freely by His grace” important? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Romans 3:24)
                                                            ii.      How does Jesus’ death in our place prove God is both just and merciful? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Romans 3:26)

IV)             Implications (Romans 3:27-31)
a.       Why does God’s way of righteousness make it impossible for anyone to boast about himself? ______________________________________________________________________________(Romans 3:27-28)
b.      How does God’s way of righteousness put both Jews and Gentiles on the same level before God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Romans 3:29-30)
                  c.   How does righteousness by faith in Christ uphold God’s Law? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Romans 3:31)

Monday, 26 December 2011

Sunday Evening Sermon Outline - 6:30pm 12/25/11

Are You an Honest Seeker?
Matthew 2:1-12

I)                   Honest Seekers of Jesus
a.       The wise men were from the east
                                                              i.      As “Magi” (magicians, men of learning) they were aware of the signs of His coming
                                                            ii.      Thus they were searching the skies (stars) for a sign of His coming
b.      The wise men left home in order to seek Jesus
                                                              i.      They travelled a great distance in order to find Him
                                                            ii.      They came with the intent to worship Him
                                                          iii.      When they found Him they fell before Him and worshiped the Saviour of the world
                                                          iv.      When they left the presence of the Saviour they went a “different” way

II)                Dishonest Seekers of Jesus
a.       Herod was at Jerusalem
                                                              i.      Herod and all Jerusalem were troubled (agitated) by the signs of His coming
                                                            ii.      Thus they were not searching the skies (stars) for a sign of His coming
b.      Herod enquires of the chief priests and scribes where Christ should be born
                                                              i.      It is said he enquired of the wise men concerning the time of the star’s appearance in order to “worship” Jesus. Herod was a deceiver
                                                            ii.      When Herod Found Jesus he would have killed Him, not worshipped him
                                                          iii.      Herod’s knowledge of the coming Christ did not  prompt him to leave his throne nor change his wicked path in the least

III)             Are You an Honest Seeker of Jesus?
a.       Will you refuse to reorder your life to meet the Saviour?
                                                              i.      Are you troubled (agitated) by His presence (conviction) in your life?
                                                            ii.      Are you willing to deceive others in order to convince them of something you are not?
                                                          iii.      If so, you are a dishonest seeker and will spend eternity in hell
b.      Are you willing to leave where you are in order to find Him where He is?
                                                              i.      Are you willing to listen to and discern the voice of God when He speaks to you?
                                                            ii.      Are you willing to worship Jesus and Lord, Saviour, and Master when you find Him?
                                                          iii.      Are you willing to leave your old, wicked life and go (with Jesus) a different way?
                             iv.   If so, you are an honest seeker and you will spend eternity with Jesus in glory?

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Sunday Evening Sermon - 6:30pm 12/25/11

Join us this Christmas Night as we answer the question,

"Are You an Honest Seeker?"

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone

Tomorrow we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Why would any Christian not want to be in the Lord's House on the Lord's Day on Christmas Day???

Berean Adult Bible Class (1/1/12)

God’s Standards
Romans 2:1-29

Daily Bible Reading
Monday – Romans 2:1-29
Tuesday – Romans 12
Wednesday – Romans 13
Thursday – Romans 14
Friday – Romans 15
Saturday – Romans 16

Sunday Evening Sermon Outline - 6:30pm 12/18/11

How to Become a Barnabas Christian

I)                   You Must Be Sold Out to Jesus
a.       Barnabas sold his land and gave all the money to Jesus Christ (Acts 4:36-37)
b.      Some may say, “no he gave it to the Apostles not Jesus”.
                                                              i.      Ananias and Sapphira sold their land and held some money back (Acts 5:1-2)
                                                            ii.      Peter told Ananias and Sapphira that they hold lied to and tempted the Holy Spirit (Acts 5:3-10)
c.       If you want to be a Barnabas Christian you must be completely sold out to Jesus
                                                              i.      And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. (Matthew 19:29)
                                                            ii.      But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ (Philippians 3:7-8)
d.      There is really no other kind of Christian (If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.)(Luke 14:26)

II)                You Must Be Willing to Love Others No Matter The Cost
a.       Paul was as unlovable as they come
b.      Barnabas was willing to risk all in order to love Paul and convince others of his conversion (Acts 9:26-27)
c.       Some may say, “this is a special situation which won’t occur often”
                                                              i.      Ask John Mark if his was a “special situation” (Acts 15:35-37)
                                                            ii.      Ask Onesimus if his was a “special situation” (Philemon 1:10-19)
                                                          iii.      Was yours a special situation?
d.      Are you willing to love others no matter the cost?

III)             You Must Be A Spirit Filled Christian
a.       Barnabas was full of the Holy Ghost and faith (Acts 11:22-25)
                                                              i.      Spirit filled Christians are used of God to bring others to Jesus (Acts 2:1-41)
                                                            ii.      Spirit filled Christians are used of God to exhort others to grow closer to Jesus (Acts 11:23)
                                                          iii.      Spirit filled Christians are used of God to provide for the need of others (Acts 6:1-3)
                  b. Are you a Barnabas Christian? Are you willing to become one?

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Sunday Evening Sermon - 6:30pm 12/18/11

Please join us for evening worship as we discover 
How to Become a Barnabas Christian

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Berean Adult Bible Class (12/25/11)

Please join us for Sunday School on Christmas morning.

The Wrath of God
Romans 1:18-32

Daily Bible Reading
Monday – Romans 1:18:32
Tuesday – Romans 7
Wednesday – Romans 8
Thursday – Romans 9
Friday – Romans 10

Saturday – Romans 11

This may appear to be an odd choice of lessons on Christmas Day. However, Jesus came to earth to live a perfect, sinless life and then die for an imperfect and sinful world. Jesus sacrificed Himself to the full wrath of God in order to spare us.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Engrafting The Word - Pastor Tommy Capps

Engrafting The Word
James 1:19-25

 James is a practical book about the Christian life.  It's a book where true faith is seen by the Christians conduct, character, and conversation.  Christianity is not just theories. It is acts or, to use the Bible term, works. We have all the grand themes of the Christian life but what is missing in our day is its reality.  That is what our Lord longs for in all of our lives [Lk 6:46; Mt 5:8; Mt 6:1-18].  In this portion of scripture James tells us why the Word of God has not changed our lives to the degree that God intended it to (the soul’s salvation). We have been saved from sins penalty. We will be saved from sins presence. However, not many believers are being saved from sins power. The Word of God is not becoming a part of our daily lives (engrafted).  Before we can deal with the engrafting process there are three traits that we must possess.

I.                  The Traits for Engrafting

            1. A teachable spirit - swift to hear  [ Mk 4:24; Prov 1:5]  James 1:19
            2. A thoughtful spirit - slow to speak [ Prov 15:28; Prov 18:13:]  James 1:19
            3. A humble spirit   - slow to wrath  [ Prov 9: 7-10 ]  the opposite of wrath is humility  James 1:19
Many Christians are still attempting to accomplish spiritual results through the arm of the flesh James 1:20

II.               The Trees for Engrafting

             1. Only trees of the same botanical family can be grafted (apple tree cannot be grafted to an orange tree)
             2. A lost person cannot graft into his life Rom. 6.  His nature will not accept the graft
             3. That is why Jesus said "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt
                 tree bring forth good fruit "  Mt. 7 :18
            4. So let’s look at the engrafting process

III.           The Technique for Engrafting

              1. There Must Be Cleansing James1:21
                    a. Lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness James 1:21
                    b. All the grafting tools must be cleaned before they are used
                    c. If we fail to lay aside the sins of our lives the graft will never take Eh 4: 22-32; Col 3:5-10
              2.  There Must Be Cutting James 1:21 
                    a. There are different types of grafting but all of them include cutting
                    b. We must have our lives opened up to God's Word through the convicting of the Holy Spirit
                    c. Some people say that they are not convicted, the truth is they have a seared   conscience I Tim 4:2
              3.  There Must Be Fitting
                   a. The membrane of the grafts need to match up as close as possible
                   b. Often God speaks to us but we don't take the time to make personal application
                   c. David said in Ps 51:4" Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight"
                   d. I need victory, I need Revival, I need power, I need to grow; etc
                   e. Not someone else but me
             4.  There Must Be Binding James 1:21
                    a. Many get to this point and for some time they are deeply concerned about their life
                    b. But only to slip back into old routines
                    c. The graft needs to be bound to the branch through meditation Psalm 1
                    d. It's when we meditate on the truth of God's Word that the binding takes place
                    e. In just a short time the graft will become a part of the tree
              5.  There Must Be Protecting
                    a. Sometimes the graft is protected by a wax coating or sheltered in some other way
                    b. This prevents disease and pest from entering the graft 
                    c. It is helpful to have a godly Christian friend to hold you accountable
                    d. The Lord established His Church to help protect His work in your life

 One more thing that is important to remember a graft takes at least two years before you will see any fruit.  Be patient, in due season ye shall reap if you faint not Gal 6:9