Are There Any Guarantees?
John 3:1-19
I) Does A Christian Home Provide A Guarantee of Eternal Salvation?
a. Samuel was as Godly a man as we see in the Bible
i. He ministered (worshipped) unto the Lord (I Samuel 2:11)
ii. He grew and was in favour with both the Lord and man (I Samuel 2:26)
iii. This is said of Jesus in Luke 2:52
iv. All Samuel’s words were meaningful and true (I Samuel 3:19)
v. Samuel was a judge (I Samuel 7:6 & 15-17), a prophet (I Samuel 3:20) and even fulfilled the office of priest (I Samuel 7:9-10)
b. Samuel’s sons received no guarantee of eternal salvation from their father’s piety
i. Samuel’s sons were ungodly in behaviour (I Samuel 8:1-3)
ii. Samuel’s sons were greedy of material gain (I Samuel 8:1-3)
c. Living in a Christian home is a good thing but it is no guarantee of eternal salvation
II) Does A Sinner Home Provide A Guarantee of Eternal Damnation?
a. Ahaz was as wicked a man as we see in the Bible
i. Ahaz did not that which was right in the sight of the Lord his God (II Kings 16:1-2)
ii. Ahaz made his son pass through the fire (II Kings 16:3), which was a religious ritual of the false god Molech (Leviticus 28:21)
iii. Not content to have his children pass through the fire, he actually had his children burned in the fires (II Chronicles 28:3-4)
b. Hezekiah received no guarantee of eternal damnation from his father’s wickedness
i. He did that which was right in the sight of God (II Kings 18:1-3)
ii. He removed the high places of false worship and destroyed their images (II Kings 18:4)
iii. He trusted the Lord and clave to the Lord and the Lord was with him (II Kings 18:5-7)
c. Living in a sinner home is not a good thing but it is no guarantee of eternal damnation.
III) Does Christ Provide A Guarantee of Either Salvation or Damnation?
a. Jesus is the most Godly man (God/Man) that ever lived
i. Jesus fulfilled God’s plan of eternal salvation (John 3:14)
ii. Jesus alone can provide a guarantee of eternal salvation (John 3:15-16)
iii. We are guaranteed eternal through our belief and confession of the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. (Romans 10:9-10)
b. Mankind are the most wicked of all
i. Mankind is born lost and without hope (Psalm 51:5)
ii. Mankind cannot perform that which is right in the sight of God (Romans 3:10)
iii. Not believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is the only guarantee of eternal damnation (John 3:18-19)