Is Jesus Mean?
Various Texts
Is Jesus mean?
Whilst one should dismiss this thought entirely it is something I decided to investigate.
I chose the relationship between Jesus and Judas to test the question.
What follows are the results of my investigation.
Jesus knew Judas would betray Him and yet He never acted any differently towards him.
I) Judas accompanies Jesus with the other 11 disciples, beholding our Lord’s character and power, and hearing Him teach and claim to be the Messiah (Mark 3:14). II) Jesus used Judas, along with the other disciples, to preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 10:4-7)
III) Jesus allowed Judas alone to guard their treasury, even though he knew him to be a thief (John 12:6)
IV) Jesus kneeled before Judas and washed His and the others feet as if He, Jesus, were the servant and not the master (John 13:1-5)
V) Jesus declared knowledge of Judas’ betrayal to all the disciples and thus affirmed the free will given to all to accept or reject (John 13:26-27)
VI) Jesus called Judas, “friend” in the very act of betrayal (Matthew 26:48-50)
All four Gospel writers record the account of Judas’ betrayal. This is an unusual as John typically did not follow the same pattern as the other three. The betrayal of Jesus is absolutely critical to the Gospel story. But Judas needn’t have been at the heart of it.
I believe we are being given insight to the heart of our Saviour. Far from mean, He is the epitome of kind, longsuffering, compassionate love towards a wicked and perverse world.