2 Timothy 1:1-8
The Spirit of Fear Is a Lack of Faith
- Timothy’s faith appears to be wavering under the pressure of affliction for the Gospel’s sake (2 Timothy 1:5) {Unfeigned – sincere - faith}
- Jesus speaks of the little faith of His disciples (Mark 4:35-40)Jesus equates their fear with a lack of faith
- This spirit of fear is not of God
The Spirit of Fear Is a Lack of Focus
- Timothy’s focus appears to be faltering under the pressure of affliction for the Gospel’s sake (2 Timothy 1:6){Remembrance}
- Jesus speaks of the lack of focus {faith} of Peter (Matthew 14:24-33). Jesus equates Peter’s fear and lack of focus with a lack of faith
- This spirit of fear is not of God
The Spirit of Fear Is a Lack of Fire
- Timothy’s fire appears to have gone out under the pressure of affliction for the Gospel’s sake (2 Timothy 1:6){Stir up – Enkindle: to set on fire}
- Paul tells Timothy to set himself on fire for God again. Paul may have been thinking about the cloven tongues of fire at Pentecost (Acts 2:3)
- The spirit of fear is not of God
- Do you have fear in you life? Know that this spirit is not of God and it can be over come by
- The Spirit of Power
- The Spirit of Love
- The Spirit of a Sound Mind