Thursday, 11 September 2014

America's Three Greatest Enemies

There is no doubt that America has some great enemies in the world today. The current news reports concerning ISIS reveals it is certainly one of our growing threats. Add to that the fact that the Russians are moving towards a more open hostile stance against us. China has recently made the news because a fighter jet of theirs conducted a "dangerous intercept" of our Navy aircraft. Even though these are serious concerns for any American, they are not our greatest threat. Like Rome of old, America is decaying from within first. Jesus said in Matt 12:25 "... Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:". It is not the outside threats that are close to bringing us to our knees but the threats that are domestic. What exactly are these three enemies and how can we defeat them?
First, Lawless Judges! Federal judges take an oath the they "do solemnly swear ( or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same ..." Yet despite this oath many judges are a law unto themselves. God said in Leviticus 19:15 "Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgement: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor," They are not to show favour to the rich or to the poor. They are to faithfully apply the law of the land without fear or favour. If the laws are to be changed it is not their Constitutional role to change them it is the role of the legislators. Yet, despite this clear Constitutional fact many judges have broken their oaths and decided that they would rule as a King and not a judge. For example, many states have voted to ban homosexual marriages by the prescribed law of the majority vote, only to have one federal judge override the will of the people because of his/her own personal desire. That is lawlessness and it is unconstitutional. The only way the American people can retake the courts is to impeach judges that ignore the Constitution. We also need to elect politicians that believe in the legislative process. To the majority of decent hard working Americans who do not vote, you are allowing a small minority to corrupt our great country. VOTE!!
Secondly, our Educational system! It is really, really hard to call it an educational system. I know, from personal experience, of young people attending public school who cannot even read. Instead of a school system that will teach the basics well, we have a system that is more interested in propaganda than education. It is not the role of the school to teach the origin of life. Why not spend that time teaching a child how to read?  For those who are fortunate enough to be able to go on  and get a college education they face more of a propaganda effort than an educational effort. Read the on-line article by Mary Mills entitled "The Nizkor Project -Propaganda and children during Hitler years. It reveals a systematic effort on the part of the Nazi's to brainwash the children into believing the Jews were a national problem. We are seeing a similar effort to brainwash the younger generation against God and country. Let me challenge all of you to watch Ben Stein's movie, "Expelled- no intelligence allowed", so you can see the Nazi like effort to keep one view in front of the young people of America. This is certainly a problem that can be solved. Pull your kids out of public school  and home school them. Another option could be starting our own charter schools. Then we could give our young people the education they deserve. Do not send anymore of our young people to Harvard, Yale, Brown, or any other liberal institution. If you love America and freedom it is the only patriotic thing to do.
Finally, the Manipulating Media! Those who are controlling the information that most of America receives are attempting to convince us that socialism, liberalism, and evolution are all true and good. It is one of the most subtle but effective tools the enemies of America have. If they do not like your influence they will do everything they can to see that you are destroyed. Phil Robertson made a normal, sane, masculine statement in regards to a question about homosexuality and the media tried it's best to get Duck Dynasty taken off the air. They ask questions like that because they know that people of faith are not going to be politically correct. They are going to answer honestly and according to what the Bible teaches.  It has been proven in the past that the media fabricates the news to spin it to tell a story they want told. The freedom of the press should not be the freedom to be dishonest. We can affect a major change in this area also. Turn them OFF. Do not even spend a second on the channel while you are searching for another program. Do not read their newspapers, listen to their radio stations, watch their programs, use their Internet sites. By doing this we can bankrupt the whole lot of them and cripple them, hopefully beyond repair. There is hope that we can turn the tide but Americans must start NOW!
The only real lasting hope we have as a country is to seek the God of all things for a genuine Revival. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God promises in His word " If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land." This starts in the church. We must get thoroughly right with God ourselves! Revival can happen but it must start somewhere. Why not let it start with you today?