Saturday, 21 January 2012

Sunday Evening Sermon Outline - 1/15/12

Witness Requirements
I John 1:1-4

I)                   What They Heard
a.       They heard One (Jesus) who spoke with authority (Matthew 7:29)
                                                              i.      They heard One declare to be God {I AM} (John 8:58)
                                                            ii.      They heard of salvation (Luke 19:10)(John 3:3)
                                                          iii.      They heard of the Holy Ghost (John 16:7-11)
b.      Have you heard from Jesus?
                                                              i.      Have you heard of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord?
                                                            ii.      Does the Word of God have Authority in your life?
                                                          iii.      Have you allowed the Holy Ghost of God to speak to you lately?
c.       If you want to be a witness you must hear from Jesus.

II)                What They Saw
a.       They saw One (Jesus) do things only God could do
                                                              i.      They saw Jesus heal the demoniac (Mark 1:23-26)
                                                            ii.      They saw Jesus heal the woman with an issue of blood (Luke 8:43-48) and they saw Jesus raise the dead {Jairus’ daughter} (Matthew 9:18-26)
                                                          iii.      They saw Jesus control nature (Matthew 8:26-27)
b.      Have you seen Jesus do anything?
                                                              i.      I’ve seen Jesus save people and thus deliver them from the power of Satan
                                                            ii.      I’ve seen Jesus heal the sick {My son’s lungs collapsed and through prayer Jesus healed him}
                                                          iii.      I’ve seen Jesus deliver me from illness, bombings in Saudi Arabia, and volcanoes in the Philippines
c.       If you want to be a witness you must see Jesus work

III)             What They Said
a.       John said that they was declaring what they had seen and heard in Jesus
                                                              i.      He was not content to just see and hear
                                                            ii.      He was intent on declaring it to a lost a dying world
                                                          iii.      He did this so that he could have fellowship with them
1.      The same belief
2.      The same hope
3.      The same joy
b.      Have you declared what you have seen and heard of Jesus?
c.       If you want to be a witness you must do so.

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