Friday, 17 October 2014

Emma Watson's Feminist Check List

 Emma Watson spoke at the United Nations on gender equality. She is heading up a campaign called, #HeForShe, that encourages men to fight for and support equal rights for women. She said "we want to galvanise as many men and boys as possible to advocate for change". In order to accomplish that she had to try to erase the "man hater" image that many feminist expound to. The shocking thing about this speech is that, while Ms. Emma Watson gave four reasons that she is a feminist, the group at the United Nations was only enthused by one of the four points. Her first point was that women should have equal pay with their male co-workers. There was no applause. Her second point was that she, as a feminist, felt that women should have the right to do with their body what they wanted to. The place erupted with applause and cheering. She continued with her third point and that was that women should be involved in the policies and decisions that affected her life. Again, there was no applause. Her last point was that she should be afforded the same respect as men. Sadly, once again no applause. The United Nations crowd made it crystal clear that the only thing that they are really fighting for is the right to continue to kill the unborn child. The Christian community would agree with every point Ms. Watson made except abortion. Equal pay is just and right. Proverbs 11:1 "A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is his delight."  God is displeased when people are taken advantage of and cheated. It is only right for women to be represented in the government just like any other member of  society. To be afforded the same respect is only fair and right. Christians have done more for the honor and respect that women deserve than any other group in the entire world. Ephesians 5:25 says "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;" Christians love life and desire to see the most vulnerable and weak cared for and loved. The unborn is at the most defenseless state of any one in our society. The problem is that love is no longer at the heart of what people really want. We have become a selfish society. Anything or anyone that gets in our way needs to be removed. You do not get pregnant by eating popcorn. Most people realise what it takes to become pregnant. There are so many different choices you could make if you do not want a child. But after you are pregnant there is only one choice and that is to love and care for the child with all your heart. If feminism means supporting abortion you are never going to win God fearing people to your point of view.

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