Saturday 29 October 2011

Adult Sunday School Lesson - 9:45am 10/30/11

Joy That Christ Is Preached
Philippians 1:12-18

  1. Paul was a faithful preacher of the Gospel
    1. Paul was happy to preach Jesus
    2. Paul was happy that others preached Jesus even if their motivations were impure. Is this a difficult truth for us to accept?
    3. God will honour the truth of His word even if preached by one who is trying to cause trouble
    4. This does not give us a license to sin. People will and should examine our behaviour, attitudes, and believes in order to determine if we are a strong or weak witness (John 14:10-11)
  2. What are we willing to give to Jesus through the local church without receiving credit of any kind?
  3. Paul asked others to pray that he would be a faithful witness and in nothing be ashamed
  4. How do you respond to the challenge to be a faithful and bold witness? (Philippians 1:19-21)
  5. What does this phrase mean to you: "Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death"?
  6. To what degree do you feel responsible that others may see your life and hear your words in a way that causes them to mature in Christ (Colossians 1:24, 28-29)
  7. Paul held in high regard his colleagues that suffered for Jesus whilst remaining faithful to the Saviour. (Philippians 2:28-30) Whom do we hold in esteem?
  8. How Important is integrity to one's Christian witness? Why?
  9. What responsibility do we have for the way others think or feel about Jesus?

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