Sunday 30 October 2011

Sunday Evening Sermon - 10/30/11

To Whom Then Will Ye Liken God?

 Isaiah 40:12-31

  1. One's Lack of Faith
    1. God is speaking to His children (vs. 1)
    2. Sinful children lack faith 
      1. God is No longer believed in. He is forgotten (vs 21, 28)
      2. When we forget God we will seek another (vs. 18-20)
      3. God will not allow spiritual prosperity when there is no faith. (vs. 23-24)
  2. One's Reminder of Faith
    1. God is speaking to His children (vs. 1)
    2. Sinful children need to be reminded of the reasons to have faith in Him 
      1. God is greater than all (vs. 12)
      2. God is more knowledgeable than all (vs. 13-14)
      3. God is holier than all (vs. 16-17)
      4. God is more powerful than all (vs. 23-24)
  3. One's Reapplication of Faith 
    1. God is speaking to His children (vs. 1)
    2. Sinful children must reapply their faith in Jesus Christ 
      1. We must lift up our eyes (vs. 26) (Acts 7:55)
      2. God gives power and strength to those that look to Him (vs. 26 & 29)
      3. God gives power and strength to those that wait, expectantly, on the Lord (vs. 31)

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